brutshits compilation 5 submission

タイトル: “brutshits compilation 5”
リリース日(予定): 2025年1月下旬
締め切り日: 2025年1月12日(日)
プラットフォーム: Bandcamp(name your price)、Soundcloud
※Apple Music, Spotifyといったストリーミングサービス上への配信はしません

1. オリジナル、ブートレグ両方可
2. ジャンルは問いません
3. 何曲でも応募可
4. マスタリング済wav形式、44.1kHz 24bit のものをこちらのフォームにて提出
5. 提出ファイル名は「(アーティスト名)_(曲名)」の形式でお願いします


name your priceのためお支払いできません。




Title: “brutshits compilation 5”
Release date (draft): Late Jan. in 2024
Platform: Bandcamp (name your price), Soundcloud
DEADLINE:2025/01/12 (sun)
* I DO NOT release any tracks of this compilation on streaming platforms like Apple Music, Spotify etc


1. Original and Bootleg, both are OK
2. Genres doesn’t matter in working
3. You can send some tracks multiple
4. Do mixing and mastering, and export the file like below
— 44.1kHz, 24bit, .wav format —
5. Rename a file according to a format: “[Artist name]_[track name]”
If you pass the submission, I’ll DM to you around the day on Jan. 12th


I can’t pay any rewards because it’ll be released as name your price/free download
BUT if you need my help something such as music, artwork, etc…, let me know it! I’d love to you get the return!

This year, due to personal circumstances, workplace changes and life changes, brutshits’ activity has dropped dramatically compared to 2023.
I hope to pick up the pace from comp5!
This year, unlike last year, I will not set a limit on the number of songs I will adopt, and I will again add a variable number of songs to the comp, as I have done in the past.
As in previous years, I’ll start with the ones I think are cool! tysm


comp1 comp2 comp3 comp4